Thousands of companies across the United States (and some companies internationally) offer matching gift programs to their employees as part of their corporate social and philanthropical initiatives. This means millions of individuals are eligible to participate in matching gift programs.

How do matching gift programs work?

The basic steps to participate in a matching gift program are quite simple.

  • Confirm with your Human Resources Department or employee online portal that your company offers a matching gift program for gifts made to qualified nonprofit organizations. Some programs have specific requirements, deadlines, or restrictions.
  • Make a charitable contribution to EndCAN (a $500 donation could be eligible for a 1:1 match, literally doubling the donation for a total of $1,000).
  • Complete the required matching gift forms (obtained from HR or an online portal), and then submit them to the appropriate personnel or intranet site.
  • Your employer will validate that the donation was submitted to EndCAN and will send a check of the same value (or higher, depending on the parameters of the program) to us.

Please contact us at for additional instructions.