Survivor stories

I just wanted a hug

I just wanted a hug

This isn't my past story, this is my current story. I am living in this right now. Well, hi, I'm...

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The Age of Consent

The Age of Consent

My name is Zoë Grimes and I am 21 years old. I am very passionate about social injustice,...

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Steps to recovery

Steps to recovery

When I was 7 my brother molested me. It took me a while to finally recognize myself as a victim...

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Rise up!

Rise up!

I always have difficulty knowing where to start. Then it dawned on me that with this site, our...

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Keep your head up

Keep your head up

I was adopted as a young toddler with my baby sister. We were adopted by a pastor and his wife....

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Finding my voice

Finding my voice

I was born in the south Oct.30 1971. At the age of 3 I started to realize I was a different girl...

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Just the other day

Just the other day

Just the other day I was asked by a friend why organizations like EndCan mean so much to me. It’s...

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Children believe you

Children believe you

When I was 10 my dad hit me with a belt until I had bruises because I was a ‘bad kid’. For 11...

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In 1983 I was at the South Suburban ice rink in Littleton, Colorado. This place became my second...

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